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© 2003 Any Key Music System
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I miss the times when I use to take piano lessons with you so much! I often talk about you to my mom. Then she would say, "You should go back to Canada to take more lessons with Robert." I'm learning about jazz history, ear training, rhythm training, piano lessons and ensemble. But again even over here, I haven't seen anyone who plays piano like you. You're the best piano player I've ever met!

I remember one day when I was playing the piano, a guy came to me and asked me "can't you play better?" with a smile I said "I really do try" but I felt he was hurting my feelings so much. With tears in my eyes I prayed to God that He would help me create a better sound for God and then I met Robert about two months later. I thanked God that He heard my prayers! Robert has such insight in music. The way he sees the piano is something different from what I was used to seeing. Robert helped me to see the piano the way he saw it. They weren't just simply black and white keys but something more than that.

Ruthie Shin
South Korea

There's an old saying that goes like this, "those who say something can't be done are constantly being interrupted by those who are doing it". The Any Key Music System (AKMS) falls into the second category. As a musician for over 20 years, I had always been told that a person cannot be taught how to play by ear, they just have to pick it up on their own. AKMS challenges this idea. Under the patient, professional instruction of Robert Chambers, students are taught to expand their concept of music beyond printed notes on a page.

Using a uniquely developed teaching system, the student learns to relate to music the way mechanic relates to a vehicle, the way an artist relates to a painting or an engineer relates to a problem. They learn to break music down from the most complex forms into simple repeatable patterns in every key. In addition, the student also learns to teach themself and is therefore equipped to continue his musically training long after the course is finished.

In my opinion, one of the best features at AKMS is the teaching style. A student is never criticized, always encouraged and constantly inspired by the instructor regardless of their level of musical talent or the pace of their progression. In addition, whether they have past musical experience or not, students are stretched beyond their current abilities and feel motivated to take their talent to a new level of excellence.

Gerry Denton
Toronto, Canada

This Any Key Music System is awesome! I love it. I took music lessons from grade 1 at the age of six until grade 10 and I never enjoyed it as much as this. One lesson with you brought the joy of music back to my fingers. Not only was I rocking with the music I was also encouraged like never before to take my music skills to a new level.

Even though I took piano for 10 years and succeeded in all the exams I was shocked when I went to university and found out that I had never developed my ears! Who would have thought that after 10 years of training I would be unable to identify the simplest of chords. I had been completely dependant on the notes on the page. And playing simple songs like Happy Birthday and Amazing Grace was only possible if the music was in front of me. Just the other day I was in the Opera Store downtown and someone was looking for the music to Happy Birthday. Guess what..........I still have not found that and no one at the book store could help her either.

Imagine, this program is so simple, encouraging and informative for the beginner and yet so practical, important, and necessary for those who may have spent years taking private music lessons. I could go on and on telling you about the times I labored to learn ear training, the hours I spent looking at the notes to try and hear them, the discouragement and weariness after unsuccessful exams. I am sure that by the end of this program I'll be able to pick out my note before someone else sings it and I am confident that I'll be able to harmonize with the best of them. God bless you Robert for sharing this awesome gift of music! I will certainly write to you again. Thank you very, very, very much!

Susan Brown
Toronto, Canada

Robert Chambers is truly a wonder. He will have you playing the keys as if you were born to. His immaculate instruction takes the frustration out of trying to read sheet music. He will give you the capability to hear it and play it. A genius in his own right!

Chris Thompson
Toronto, Canada

Here are some of my thoughts and experiences after beginning the AKMS. It is awesome! It honestly feels as if you are right there in the room with me as I work through the CD's. I don't feel rushed or pressured at all. I can go as fast or as slow as I'd like to, which is great for me because I may have 3 hours today and no time for a month. I'd recommend this product to anyone. The exercise "Rob Says 2's and 3's" was especially helpful in strengthening my ability to hear whether notes were going up or down. I'd say the strengths of this product are your warm and patient personality, the flexibility and adaptability of the program and the way you conceptualized the keyboard making scales that much easier to learn and interact with.

It's a great program well worth investing in!

Your satisfied customer and friend,

Andrew Blackwood
Toronto, Canada

Dear Robert:

I just wanted to give you an update on my progress with the Any Key music lessons. I'm just getting started but I'm very excited about the whole program so far and am particularly excited about your method of learning to play scales.

I took music lessons for years from childhood through to high school. I took practical lessons as well as studying music theory. I learned in theory everything you teach about scales - but it was never applied to the actual keyboard. When your lessons instructed me to play every major scale according to your method I got every one right the first time without thinking about it! Normally I would have to go through a lengthy process of figuring out what the notes of the scale would be and I'd still never play them perfectly. I felt like I was cheating! It also gave me real confidence that I would be able to play by ear. I look forward to practicing every day and wish I had more time to play each day. It is a joy to learn from you via CD.

Kim Hagan
Richmond Hill, Ontario

Just wanted to let you know how things are going! I'm nearing completion of volume 2 and I want to let you know how much I've enjoyed it. I particularly appreciate the "reference chord your way out of it" exercises/drills. Just knowing that I was able to master a basic principle gives me confidence that I will be successful with the program.

I also had a lot of fun with the drills. I must have spent two weeks just doing the drills and my scales. I started doing them with my right hand only. Then I decided to do them with my left hand only. I found that to be really beneficial. My next challenge as I continue to make the drills part of my daily practice is to do the exercises with both hands together. I also found that if I concentrated on having a good hand position and finger control, that doing the drills were also a form of finger exercises and I know my fingers are much stronger now. By the way I'm still playing my scales - better and faster bit by bit!

Until next time,
Kim H
Richmond Hill, Ontario


I think the AKM is an awesome program. I have learnt more from this program in a few weeks than I had from several months of private music classes. Robert breaks down concepts which I had previously found difficult to grasp into simple exercises which I find easy to follow. With this program, Robert has made music seem less intimidating and more accessible. It's also great because I can listen to the ear training exercises on the subway or on my way to school and review what I've been practicing. On a whole, I have much appreciation for this program and would recommend it to anyone wishing to learn not just piano but some of the basics of music theory as well.

Awori Emmanuel Mutsune
Ontario, Canada


Ruthie Shin

Gerry Denton

Susan Brown

Chris Thompson

Andrew Blackwood

Kim Hagan

Kim Hagan 2

Awori Emmanuel Mutsune

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